
Arlo's lips slightly tilted up, "Do you know your business rival is my business partner from Country M?"

Mr.Willy stood up abruptly and broke into a sweat. He knew he shouldn't offend Arlo Smith else he will see his business end soon, "I... I.." He was very scared to make any excuse.

Arlo gestured his hand to indicate him to sit, "If he can't save himself, he isn't fit to be my partner."

Mr.Willy heaved a sigh of relief as he sat back. He started to think Arlo was there to make him a new partner. But his fantasy didn't last more than five seconds.

"Do you know I was in the mall at that time?" Arlo said the matter of fact.

Mr.Willy started to shudder and stuttered. "I... I didn't expect Pre... President Smith to be in the lo... local mall. By the lo... looks of it yo... you... you are fine."

Arlo's smile alarmed him more. He wanted to go his desk to fetch the pistol which he had kept in a drawer but Arlo again gestured him to sit back.