What do you think about him?

Arlo had given two capsules of liquid to Ryan which was swallowed by two men, his men made sure they don't eat anything until they reach the headquarters.

Since he had to leave the country D soon, Pilot of the chopper set the time, ignited chopper and made the ladder the reachable to hold for him. Once Arlo held it, Pilot left.

Arlo soon left the Country D to Capital of Country A.


At the Sigma hospital

Sky who had breakfast early morning and slept. She woke up around eleven. Loran and David were sitting on the couch. Jai was laying on the other bed and reading.

Loran noticed her moving the head and spoke as he went to her, "Sister Sky, You woke up? How are you feeling?"

Sky smiled and replied with a word, "Good"

"Are you tired? Why aren't you talking?" He asked as he lifted the upper bed and helped her to drink water.

"Little" Sky replied one word and looked at David who was looking at her in a helpless state.