Should I call him to my office?

Doctors had asked Sky to be in the hospital for four more days. Jai agreed right away so that Sky could rest more. Ben Goody visited her in Sigma hospital twice to know her condition.

David regularly visited her for breakfast and dinner. Arlo managed to convince David and Latter informed Sam to keep Arlo's identity a secret from Sky.

David knew Sky's view about love or marriage was different. She wasn't ready to date anybody. So after discussing with Jai, he agreed to Arlo's request after warning him ignoring he was the President of Sigma.

When Sam informed about Arlo having a good background, she didn't ask anything or not even checked the bio of Arlo as she trusted him. Even though Sam didn't want to lie, he had no other option.

After confirming from David, Arlo buttered up Olivia who had an angry facade. He then assigned most of his work to Ryan and informed to push all the important meetings which needed his presence to after office hours of Harley.