
Everybody thought the next questions would be answered by other teams but they were all answered by Arlo and Sam. It felt like they were participating with each other.

"Last question, Question number 20: In which country was Julie Christie born?"

Nobody answered, instead all turned to Sky's team. Clark was looking at Sam and Arlo alternatively. After about one minute he pressed the buzzer and answered, "India"

Sky jumped in her place, "Yay, We won" She ran to them and hi-fi-ed Clark.

She caressed the other two's heads as if they were puppies. Four teams were eliminated which answered only two or three questions in the first round.

The next game was a treasure hunt round. Sixteen teams received their first card envelope. When Ethan said "Start", all opened the envelope and took the card.

"I have lots of hammers inside

But there are no nails for them to hit

To use them you press down on keys"

Sky read it out loud once and was about to read again, Arlo said a word, "Piano"