Learn to apologize first

"It doesn't depend on the weight of the object, I mean you. If you stand like a rigid object then it will be difficult for a dance move. If you add your momentum, then a little push from the lead can form a perfect dance move." Sam explained.

"Oh, Then my efforts were also there in dance, right?" Sky asked as she waited for an answer.

"Hmmm!" Arlo hummed and passed the tab to her.

"Sam, Take me home. Ethan, Stop playing and Go back to your party. You two!" she looked at Arlo and Ryan "Your wish."

Sam, Clark left the hotel with Sky and met Milan near the entrance. "Ms.Barton!... Take care."

Sky's lips twitched after hearing him. She nodded and moved towards the car.

Ryan spoke looking at the departing figure, "Isn't it weird? Why did she apologize when it's your mistake? She even made it sound like it was her mistake."

'Apologize?' Arlo remembered he didn't apologize. He walked faster and called Sky, "Ms.Sky!"