Why are you here?

Sky who thought she vexed Kris realized that he already knew her identity by his resolute smile and expression.

"Dad, Do they know about me?" Seeing the departing figures, Sky asked.

"Kris Lan must be sure about his guess." Sam replied to her. Then the trio left the party.


On phone call

"She ruined my image in front of all. Is she crazy? Grandmother, should I do something to her? I'm going mad here." Ryan was venting his frustration.

"Ryan, Tell me properly. I'm not getting anything? Who is she?" Olivia's voice heard on the other line.

"Who else? That crazy girl, Sky Harley. She voluntarily came towards me, I thought she must have found out Ray is Ryan and I greeted her first, ..." Ryan completely narrated the story to Olivia on the way to the airport.

"... Now tell me, grandmother, What should I do to her?" Ryan finished his ten minutes of continuous chatter.