Send somebody else

The next day

Sky reached the office at the usual time. She was welcomed by a big banquet of white roses on her desk. Sky turned toward Andy and Arlo who were reporting her some information and schedule.

"Ms.Sky, It was sent by the Kris international, so I asked them to keep inside. There are many more, but I received a personal call from President Lan's Assistant so I thought to let you know." Andy answered her.

Sky waved them to continue whatever they were saying and took the card from the banquet. Arlo was gritting his teeth looking at the roses and card in her hand.

'I will reach the Sky


'Oh!' She thought to herself and played with the card as she listened to Andy. Arlo had an impulse to take the card but his thoughts broke when he heard a knock on the door.

Sky saw the HR director standing near the door with a red rose banquet. "Come in"