Jump over the wall

"I'm not lying and I don't have to lie" Sanem didn't face them all the time.

Sky understood soft way won't work.

"So you were a kind of girl who plays with guy's feeling until your parents get you a rich guy to marry. Do you think Jimmy was your toy to play around and throw off when you get a new one?" Sky's voice cold and harsh.

Seeing her still not responding, she mocked about Jimmy, "And that idiot is not eating well or sleeping well thinking about you. And here you are! preparing to be a bride of somebody else. Bravo Ms.Sanem Jin."

Sky saw her shoulder moving up and down slightly with light sobs. Sky made her mind and turned Sanem towards her. Tears were falling down continuously on the cheeks, she was biting her lip hard to control from making any sounds.

Sky pulled her towards the bed and made her sit on it as she signaled Arlo to pass the tissue and water to her. Sky wiped her face and gave her the water glass to drink.