She is your mom

 Sky leaned back and crossed her legs. "I didn't do anything yesterday because I helped your daughter to go with her boyfriend without your permission. But you dared to drag my dad to this."

"You know what? My dad's upbringing is so good that I'm still sitting in front of you in your office or else I would have made sure there will be no Jin company tomorrow."

"I don't care whether you are paying for media to drag this or somebody else, I don't want to see anything in the media by the time I reach back to my office."

President was scared but he tried to compose himself thinking she was just a woman and she was bluffing.

"Aren't you hiding your face from everyone? See there, I will release your video everywhere." His laughter carried evilness and pointed at the security camera.

Sky sniggered, "How about you take my video on your mobile?"