I will drive

Sky knew David loved her dearly and always wished her to stay away from problems. Even if he did help her in all the things she worked on, she didn't want to blame him rather she started to blame herself for being incompetent.


David stood rooted until Sky's car vanished from his sight. He had helped her only in the beginning for two months. Later only press conferences and media exposure periods he attended so that her identity could be secret. He never helped her in any projects or any other things.

He had faith, confidence in her and her working style. So he never poked his nose unless it was about her safety. He thought about what Sky said. Even though she sounded emotionless and looked aloof, he knew she was hurt.

When he tried to talk to her during dinner, she was just humming to him in response. He thought she must be tired or tensed about the anniversary. Hence, when he saw her going out, he followed her to have a talk.