Bullied by a little girl

"Oh!" Sky said as a glint of mischief flashed across her eyes. "Then, Let me kick your leg."

She had raised her right leg, Loran was quicker than her. He held her right arm with his both hands at different position and swung her down around him once.

"Loran!" Sky was frighted for a second. She stood up and controlling her breathing.

But the crowd gasped at their move. Sky's stretched left leg perfectly circled around Loran keeping her right leg folded.

"Sister Sky! Do again and I will try one more move." Loran threatened and smiled brightly.

Sky didn't take him seriously thinking he was just scaring her. Loran knew well what she was thinking and waited for her to raise her leg as she already told him that she wouldn't punch.

When Sky took action, he moved his right leg behind her left leg to push her heel towards him and her foot slide towards him. He used little force and moved her under his widened legs and pulled her back on her toes.