Why did you join as my secretary?(3)

Andy briefly explained that the cleaner was cleaning under the table as she moved it, it fell off the floor.

"Moving the table won't make it fall on the floor. It wasn't that light to wobble." Sky said in a stern voice thinking about possible ideas they could do in a short time.

Cleaner lady explained to Sky between her sobs, "I saw a flower stem under the leg of the table and lifted it up to pull but I lost the balance and the table fell."

Sky didn't really hear her. She checked the time and instructed fast, "Andy, Ask to clean this all-glass pieces first and arrange flowers on this round table matching the rest of the table which should look opulent. Can you handle?"

"Yes, Ms.Sky!" Andy replied and got into work.

Sky jogged towards the exit as she called out, "Sam... Rony..." Since she didn't call Arlo, he helped Andy.