Did you miss me during lunch?(2)

Ryan clutched the blanket and rolled on the bed cursing Sky in mind. He sat up and yanked his hair. "Ahhhh. Except you, probably she is the only one who could make me feel brainless. She is the perfect match for you. Both are vicious to the core."

Arlo's lips tilted up hearing him, "Thank you! I'm flattered". Even though she never treated him that way, he could imagine her actions by Ryan's reaction.

Ryan wanted to puke blood. 'I wasn't praising to thank me... Let grandmother come, I will not come to you then. Hmph'

After some time, Arlo casually mentioned, "I'm going to Country S next weekend. Arrange my jet."

Ryan hummed and looked up, "There nothing much going on that branch over there, Why do you want to go there?... Am I coming?... You usually go to Harley mansion on the weekend right?... Is she again running to the Barton house?..."

Arlo didn't reply. Ryan thought about more possibilities, "...Is that crazy girl going there?"