Toy boys(2)

Sam and Arlo both knew she started crying as soon as she left. Sam spoke to Joe and his grandfather as he briefed morning events and her mood. He sent the latter back. Joe stayed behind.

Nearly an hour passed, Sky didn't come out. When Sam knocked on the door, she didn't give any response.

Arlo asked the maid to warm the milk and went to Sky's next room and jumped from the window to her room balcony.

She was falling flat on the bed holding pillows. Her long hair was all over her and bed. He checked the door which was open and entered hearing her sobs.

He wanted to wake her up but thinking if he stops her, she may cry again later. He stopped and leaned on the door as the sunset rays entered the room and illuminated its colors.

It wasn't even five minutes he was standing, She moved her head up and turned around leaning back. When her eyes fell on him, she widened it and threw the pillow which didn't even reach him.