Toy boys(4)

Between heavy makeup girls, she looked pure and fresh. Sky restricted everyone for limited drinks and she had only mocktails.

Arlo and Sam sat aside watching the other three on the dance floor. It was too loud inside hence they had to talk near ear whenever they had to speak. After about an hour, Music stopped making everyone on the dance floor to shout at DJ.

"What happened?" Sky asked looking at Joe and Ryan.

That's when she noticed limelight on her and DJ announced, "Next song is to our special guest, Sky."

All turned to her. It took her time to analyze what's going on. All applauded and a party song started playing and all were back to dancing mode.

Sky tiptoed near Joe and asked, "What happened just now?"

"Somebody dedicated a song for you." Joe replied to her. She saw the other two sitting on seats and two dancing with her.

She excused herself and went to Sam, "Who asked DJ to make the announcement?"