Darling! stop stealing my lines(5)

Since Arlo was returning on the same flight as Sky, he booked a complete business class. She hardly sleeps much on the flights hence she was awake most of the time.

They reached Country A around eleven. Sky sent Loran and Alex to the Harley mansion for resting and told them to leave after proper rest.

After dropping Sam to the Cox family house, Sky went to Harley corporation with David's guards.

Arlo had left separately with Ryan. The latter went to sigma and Arlo went directly to Harley reaching before Sky.

When she entered her office floor, Andy greeted her and informed she had three meetings after lunch. Sky nodded at him and thought to take a nap. She was still in her leisurewear which she wore for the flight travel. She was planning to get fresh in the office and change to formals but after entering inside she realized there was a guest. 

David was talking to an old lady and Arlo. "Dad!"