Am I invisible to you?(4)

Since it was in Country Y, Jai's supporters were less than Country Y supporters. But that didn't dampen Sky's or Loran's mood. Both held the cheering sticks hitting them together and encouraging Jai.


"Brother Jai"


"Brother Jai"


In the set of three, the First match, hardly anybody could hear them as there were more people on the other side. When it was ending near, Only Jai's name could be heard in the stadium with Champion.

After Jai won the Game point, Both Sky and Loran cheered even more loudly and got everyone's attention.

During five minutes break, Jai approached them and pinched Sky's nose, "Little sister, You will lose your voice. Don't shout so loudly."

"It's worth it. Go Go, sit and relax." Sky knew they would get more attention if Jai stands there and resting time was very important for Jai.