He is chic(1)

Peter asked on purpose to check Arlo's expression. The latter paused for less than a second which Peter couldn't notice at all.

"Boring....! My all brain cells died those days. The first day we were talking about different countries, their customs, and traditions etcetera. The second time it was about the economic and financial state of our country."

Whoever heard her, looked at her and burst into laughter including Jai who already knew about it.

"Now I understand why you dozed off so soon in the car." Peter commented and continued laughing.

"Brother Jai! Shouldn't dinner be relaxing and fun? I felt like I was debating or sitting at the conference... Such mental torture."

Sky's comment brought another round of laughter in the kitchen causing other men to go towards them.

"Hey! What joke was that?" Ryan asked as he followed Loran and Clark.