I really like you(3)

David who was on the line heard her too, "Sky! what do you mean by that?"

Sam turned to her with a puzzled expression not understanding why she suddenly said that statement. Arlo had the same reaction.

"I saw Milan Bing sitting there. Dad! haven't I told you he sent me a red roses bouquet daily for more than a month?" Sky asked.

"Sky! Why are you connecting that with this?" David and Sam asked the same question.

"Dad! I'm not sure. Let me check first. I will keep you updated." Sky said and hung up.

No fool would send a big bouquet of flowers for more than a month to an unknown girl.

She stood up and faced Sam, "Sky! Are you sure?"

Sky nodded. "Do you have a microphone?"

After receiving the microphone, she pined it on her dress, "Sam! you ask Ethan about Milan's behavior with him. Arlo! Call Peter and ask him to check on Milan's activities in Club."

Both nodded and got into their work.