I'm sorry for disturbing your life(2)

Sam's lips turned up because getting his compliments was harder than winning a prestigious award. "I'm flattered."

Arlo stayed with them until they left to Harley mansion and returned to Smith mansion.


The next day he met Sky, Sam, Ethan directly at the police station.

Ethan outer look returned back to normal other than crestfallen expression all the time. Liam reached on right time and they started their work.

"I want to meet Milan Bing." Sky asked the Deputy chief.

The latter took her to him and waited outside as per Sky's instruction. Milan hands her cuffed to the table, he glared at her.

"Why? Don't you want to play with your Darling?" Sky smirked.

"Is Ethan keeping you?" Milan asked. He always doubted that as Ethan always brushed the topics about her and would answer about other girls if asked.

"Foul mouth! Don't you have common sense and manners? Don't worry, you will have lots of time to learn about it in prison."