Sky chose President Lan(1)

Sky choked on her food and coughed badly. Arlo chuckled lightly and gave her water as he patted her back.

Sky blinked looking at Arlo, "Don't worry, I will not propose and scare you away. You can turn on the lights if you are uncomfortable to eat like this."

Sky said pointing at the lights switch which was few steps away from them. Since she was in the sunroom, she didn't want to brighten up too much as she wanted to enjoy the night view.

Such proposals never crossed her mind.

'Why will I be scared if you propose to me?' Arlo thought to himself but didn't know what else to say. He just nodded and continued eating.

After some time he asked, "Are you angry with me?"

"Huh?" Sky looked at him, "Why will I be angry at you?"

"Then why aren't you talking?"