Sky chose President Lan(6)

Olivia exited the elevator and went towards Arlo's room. One of the secretaries informed Olivia and took her to the meeting room.

A secretary opened the door for Olivia and she strode towards Arlo who wasn't even paying attention to the meeting.

"Meeting dismissed." Olivia grunted and all the attendees went out leaving Ryan and Arlo.

"Grandmother!" Ryan pulled out a chair for her.

"Darling! Why are you here? You should have called us." Arlo said as he pulled his chair next to her.

Olivia ignored him and looked at Ryan, "Why is he here?" Her voice carried a sense of authority and superiority.

"He didn't say anything to me when I asked about it." Ryan didn't know anything about it.

Olivia glanced at Arlo, "When did you start learning to drop things in the middle?"

"Darling! What are you saying?" Arlo wasn't sure what she spoke about.