I will Kidnap you(5)

"He is Andy Gill, President Harley's assistant. He is Madison Baker, the resort project manager. He is Colton, assistant of Manager. He is Arlo, My secretary." Sky pointed at each and introduced them.

"Mr. Baker will tell you about the resort and Assistant Gill will explain to you about our aim at this meet. We will only brief you so that you don't get bored, if anyone of you has any questions or doubts, please do ask... Mr.Baker, you can start now." Sky finished and sat down. She had Arlo towards right and Andy towards the right and in the center of five.

Since it was about work, she wasn't casual or playful. She maintained her distant and aloofness.

The manager described three structure and it's interior, location of resorts, Trekking to peak for sunrise viewpoint and other miscellaneous things.