I will Kidnap you(8)

For not letting her think too much, Arlo repeatedly tried to strike a conversation but Sky would just hum for everything. He wasn't even sure if she was listening to him hence he used what he kept hearing recently.

"I will kidnap you!"

Sky turned to him, "Yes, please! Away from the city, take me to some beautiful forest above the hill where I can see stars like this." Sky pointed window panel.

They were on the ocean and they could see numerous twinkling stars where they couldn't get to watch from land.

Arlo was stunned. 'Is she permitting me to kidnap her?'

Sky continued, "... You can cook, you can do all the work. I will not run away."

"What are you going to do if I do everything?" Arlo couldn't help but chuckle hearing 'he can cook'. He never expected his small interest to learn about cooking could be that useful.

"Me?" Sky gave it a thought, "I will eat, I will rest and I will order you around for kidnapping me."