Spot on

Arlo's face stiffened. It was true because this was the third time he acted like that on the same day.

Sky noticed the changes in his face and chuckled, "So, are you back to normal or abnormal?"

Senior Fred couldn't take it anymore and he went to them, "What's with your PDA?"

Sky's smile vanished and glanced at the source of the voice. Arlo asked Sky, "Can you glide now?"

Sky nodded and both went towards the resting area ignoring Senior Fred again. The latter muttered to himself and went behind them calling his girl.

Arlo wrapped his jacket on her legs before helping her to open shoes. Both were changing their shoes when Senior Fred reached them.

He looked threateningly at Arlo but the latter rolled his eyes at him and spoke to Sky, "He is Freddie. My senior."

Sky said 'Oh' and nodded at Freddie.