Can I kidnap you?

Sky had expected him to say as a friend as they always spend time together. Thinking only he did his job, she sighed inwardly. Feeling relaxed after a few deep breaths, Sky soon reached the restaurant and saw them grilling.

Both saw they had just started grilling. Arlo gave her hot soup first and made her sit. "Drink while it's hot."

Sky nodded and sipped. The soup was from the chef and grilling was doing by travel bloggers.

Arlo took a few skewers and grilled from opposite end quietly without talking to them. By the time he finished, all the skewers were done.

All returned to the table, Arlo sat next to Sky and unskewed few to Sky. The manager gave beers to others and mocktails to Sky and Arlo as per their request.

Jane who was sitting opposite Sky spoke, "Sky! Don't your secretary takes care of you well?"

Sky gave a faint smile and glanced at Arlo before repeating his statement, "Isn't it the work of a secretary?"