Chased Sky(1)

Sky ate another meatball and realized she sounded like a tease. She covered her mouth with one hand to eat fast and saw Arlo looking at her.

"I didn't mean it like that... I mean You are warm... No No... I mean your... hands are warm." Sky finished and saw Arlo laughing.

Since he said as you are cold, she framed it as you are hot. He understood that but he looked at her if she knew what she said or not but she messed with warm and then clearly said.

Sky stuffed the last meatball and ignored him. Arlo saw her flushed a shade of red due to embarrassment hence he stopped and took the plate from her.

After lunch, she went back to work and finished all the meetings. Before leaving, she received the report about booking.

They had opened for only three months' bookings that were till march end. Weekdays booking was minimum except for holidays time. Weekends were rather full.