Do you love anyone?

"When Loran was in school, there was a twin in his class, a girl and a boy. They used to wear matching outfits whenever they had to wear a casual dress to school. From then, Loran started to enjoy a twinning dress with me and Brother Jai. So whenever we three go out we will have one common thing in our outfits."

That's when Arlo came and handed her milk and tea to Sam and sat opposite to them with his cup. "Don't you think people will think you guys as immature?"

Sky took a sip and shook her head. "We live for us not for the people. And we don't care what others think. What matters is we three enjoy it."

Arlo and Sam nodded as they sipped their drinks. Hearing faint noise of their voice, Ryan peeked from the second-floor balcony, "Hey! Can I join?"

The trio furrowed their brows hearing his loud voice and kept their finger on their lips. Sam and Sky turned towards Mia and saw her sleeping before sighing.