Marry me(1)

Sky saw Arlo and Sam in a black slim fit suit. She ignored Ryan who was in a half-white suit and asked them, "Are you guys matching with my color?"

They didn't reply and led her out. They reached the venue to see brustling with many people. There were many games arranged.

Sky and others got the same table to sit. Soon the party began when the newly wedded couple entered in a Couple Outfit.

They cut the cake, filled the champagne glass tower before giving out to guests. Their parents raised their toast for the couple first. Then Best man and Maid of honor were called on for their toast.

Sam went on first started in a convincing tone, "Hello! I'm Sam. The groom has asked that I don't talk about his mishaps, mistakes and embarrassing movements. Anyway..."

Sky who stood beside him was thinking what to tell when she heard him She closed her mouth not to laugh but he suddenly and seriously opened a paper.