Marry me(4)

And it was Olivia who treated her very well as her own granddaughter so she wanted to reach soon to know what was going on.

Sky glanced at Arlo who was staring blankly at the air. She patted on his shoulder, "Don't worry. She will be alright."

He came out of the daze and saw the car's high speed. He kept her hand back on steering. "Careful!"

He was shocked to see her speed but it was just for a few seconds before it replaced with worry.

Sky didn't speak anything and reached the sigma hospital ASAP. Sky stopped at the entrance for Arlo to alight before going to park the car.

When Sky went to the reception, A doctor who treated her recognized her and escorted her to the third floor. She had called Andy thinking he would be of some help. But seeing many doctors going in and out, she felt Andy wasn't necessary.