I will kill you one day

As sunlight entered the room, dim lights turned off and in some time her alarm rang.

Sky took a long and deep breath before yawning. Arlo who was supporting his head and watching her removed his hands off and put his head on the pillow to show himself as asleep.

Sky took her mobile and turned off the alarm. Arlo opened his eyes and looked at her. He can make out that her eyes weren't open completely while she used her phone and opened a group chat to send a voice message, "Good Morning!"

Even though it was a little groggy, it sounded adorable which he had never heard. She tossed mobile aside and stretched her hands. He pursed his lips to control making any sound, She was stretching her hands spreading aside and was bending left to right and right to left.

'Are you trying to fly?' Arlo badly wanted to ask.