Last one is sad

Sky had kept her hands on ears and kept on repeating, "I don't want to listen to you. I don't want to talk to you"

She went down, circled the living room, dining table then again living room and went upstairs. Instead of holding her forcefully, both followed her trying best to coax saying she was important than others.

Arlo saw the spoiled child in Sky and was amused. He saw Barton parents and David laughing seeing them instead of getting angry or annoyed.

Seeing Arlo who was tracing their way, David patted on his hands. "Don't worry! In five minutes, Loran or Jai will bring her here. And she will be puffed up into a red apple."

Arlo nodded and answered whenever they were asking him anything. One thing he got know was Sky always praised his cooking skills to the Barton parents and David.

Sky who went to her room and was about to close the door both barged in and made her sit. Whenever she tried to get up they would pull her back. "Sky!"