I would have buried you

Sky was amazed by how they used some fruit for color. Giving it a thought she agreed but she didn't expect them to put on eyeliner but that brush wasn't soft at all.

From the style, she understood they were making a large winged liner which she never wore till that age. Sky mentally prepared to be laughing stock of the group.

But, will I look funnier than the ones who will walk around in a skirt?

At last, they were trying to take off her shoes. She stopped them and removed it. They tied cloth-like shoe which was similar to their shoes with rough sole. Different was it had a golden embroidery design on it.

When they were looking at her and smiling, she understood they were done. She stood up and bowed her head as a thank you with a smile. She took her other clothes and shoes but they took them and actioned they would keep them in her hut.