I will take only two customers

Instead of writing only in words, she had written with pictures, decoration with natural items that she must be picked on those outing. If it was fun or celebration, then she had used artificial items or her doodle or sketch was present.

Common and repeated people were Loran and Jai. Next was the Barton parents followed by David.

'Should my aim be present in her next events?' Arlo thought to himself and saw Sky had already kept everything from the table to drawers.

He understood what would be present in those drawers. "Should I keep this somewhere?"

Sky pointed the top of the desk and went back to bed. Arlo pushed the trolley out of the room and returned to her room without letting the auto-locking door to close.

Sky had resumed the movie, seeing him coming inside, she wanted to ask him to leave but decided to let him be for a day. She moved left on her small bed and kept a few pillows on her right for him to lean on.