Virtual boyfriend

Next when he saw her was in a tattoo studio. He was standing near the door for a few minutes when Sky was being chased by Loran and her laughter with brothers was still the same as it was in school or later. It didn't change with age.

With her choice of clothes, she looked a lot younger than her younger brother. When she was close to another man other than brothers, he thought she had a special relationship but the man clearly denied it. She still played around with him making fun and laughing.

Next, as usual, He was watching a sports channel, He identified Loran instantly, on the second glimpse he identified the girl as Sky. He had smiled like a stupid throughout the day remembering how she looked. That look was almost similar to how she was in school days.

It was half a year, then he saw her in the award ceremony. He fought within himself and called her. As always, he asked she responded and he hung up when he was called to backstage.