My wife is the best

Sky again had a special service saying, 'Don't walk barefooted.'

Arlo called her and she hummed as she wore her boots. "You are good."

Sky paused and looked at him shaking her head, "I'm not. I was never. I just treat people better who treat me well. I'm kind of... self-centered. Let's go."

Arlo bopped her nose and brought her to wine tasting with everyone. She was only taking a sip if Sam or Arlo said she would like it. Sky had told everyone to take whichever they like and she would be paying.

By the end, two women were drunk in the process of tasting. Sky had only taken a sip of few that was less that one glass which she drinks during dinner so she wasn't least bit of drunk.

Sky bought a few bottles for Jai. Arlo chose a few for them and the rest chose a few bottles for themselves. Ethan wanted to pay for his dozen bottles but after seeing seven digits, he smiled sheepishly and escaped.