What I wanted to do after graduation?

"Sky! This is what I hid. Nothing else." Arlo helplessly said.

"You both! Get lost! Don't talk to me." Sky strode out and both men followed her out.

The guards were stationed seeing them. Secretaries started to peek one after the other when they passed their block. Sky entered the elevator and pressed the ground floor button.

She didn't let Arlo enter, "Sky!"

"I don't want to talk to you." Sky said and pressed the door close button repeatedly.

Ryan and Arlo took another elevator helplessly. Ryan kept blabbering his questions but Arlo didn't respond. He was thinking about the possibilities.

Sky's elevator reached first and then Arlo's. Sky was ready to jump over the access gates, all gates quickly opened. She turned back and saw many greeting Ryan,

'Assistant Wilson'

'Assistant Wilson.'

