President Demon is back

Ryan's eyes were wide open in shock. 'Handsome demon, When did I say that? Why do you want to torture a single dog? Heaven will curse you. (sob)(sob)'

Sky who thought Arlo went to Ryan's room, went to change into her leisurewear and got caught by a shirtless demon in the dressing room.

Being pinned to the wall, Sky tried to talk sense looking at his face, "It's dinner time! Let's go and eat."

"Why not? Let's eat." Arlo finished in a seductive tone near her ear and started nibbling.

Knowing he was shirtless, she clutched her dress tightly. As he went down to the neck, She trembled involuntarily and the name she wanted to call 'Arlo' sounded amorous.

But he couldn't continue and heard a knock on the door to call for dinner. He shook his head resignedly and hugged Sky who was red. "Such a killjoy."