Do you eat steel and Iron?

When she proposed him about opening the company, Sam thought she must have brushed through about the IT but seeing her asking a specific question, he understood she does her homework well before doing anything

"We?" Sam asked as he smiled.

Sky was referring as 'you' which was changed to 'we' which meant she already accepted the proposal.

Maxwell spoke. "We will have two options, one training their employee or person. Two, we can send QA team members for temporary."

Sky nodded in understanding. By working with them; One, she won't have to worry about anything if she agrees for IT. Two, Sky knew those five were very talented and worth to invest.

"If I agree to this proposal, I will be opening Harley technologies for you five as intrapreneurs as a foundation. So how many years are you guys ready to sign with Harley? Harley can't take the risk of you to leave abruptly."