Vegetative state

She felt alarmed and her instincts told her something was going to happen. Something she couldn't handle. Something which she never could imagine.

She dashed inside and saw grim-faced Loran and Jai. Sighing parents with a man in fifties who had no expression. But they weren't talking when she entered.

Seeing the atmosphere, she didn't care about the guest went towards Jai but paused near Loran seeing reddened eyes and she could say he had cried.

But Sky knew he wasn't somebody to cry over a small matter. She had noticed her parents and the man standing up looking at her.

Thinking they must have scolded Loran for something, She hugged him and tried to console.

"Loran! what happened? Why were you crying? There is nothing we couldn't solve. Tell me what happened..." She coaxed him for a long time but he started sniffing to stop himself from crying.