Little seductress

Hearing Sky saying like she doesn't belong to the Barton family, he couldn't control himself. He knew she never would want to leave them but he just couldn't stand knowing she even thought to ask it that way.

Jai had locked himself in his room till the next day until he got to know about Sky.

She had no strength to even move after crying for hours hence Loran took her to the room and laid on her bed thinking she would sleep. When he had gone out to get water, Sky had locked her room.

Sky was locked herself for straight three days without eating or drinking. She had just cried whenever she got little strength. She had heard everyone knocking and calling her but she didn't respond to any of it.

She had locked her balcony door and closing the drapes which left the room dark even during the day. She even heard Jai knocking her french window of the balcony but she didn't open.