you are already missing me

Sky snorted, "I was concerned when I saw you in the mall. And look at you." Sky knocked on his head and sent the video to David, Jai, and Loran.

Arlo looked at her who busy in the tab. If he thinks about the life he had before her, it just looked plain and dark.

Work, home and nothing. He never cared about anything else much other than two at home but it was never the same after Sky came.

He always got to know something new about her even after staying with her all the time.

He couldn't understand why all think, staying or seeing the person all the time would dampen the interest on their partner.

He always looked forward to being with her all the time.

Being with her, her talk, her chuckles, her laughter, enjoyable lunches, their senseless bantering, silly small fights, his smiles due to her, his different sides which he even didn't know about himself, everything made his life colorful.