We never had any pets.

Sky never liked to ask permission from anybody excluding her family and friends and it would still depend on the matter. So it was always her plan to skip away from shareholder's meeting.

Even if they object, she had her ways to make them agree or she could just toss them away from the board of shareholders which would make them a simple shareholder to attend the anniversary day for dinner.

VP laughed heartily and got up. "You are the boss."

He paused looking at Arlo, "May I ask a personal question to our President?"

"I will try my best to answer." Even though she had a good relationship with him, she would never agree to say everything.

"Are you two dating?" VP asked glancing at Arlo who was on the couch with his laptop.

Arlo who also heard it glanced at Sky. The latter smiled at him as she responded to VP, "He is my husband."

VP was stunned for a few seconds. He knew Arlo's identity and due to David, he never spoke about it.