The taste important

"Too flavourful, little nauseous." Sky took mild-flavored dishes and continued to eat.

Arlo who tried the same chicken dish got to know she still had sensitive senses after his torture and dishes weren't strongly flavored.

He picked mild dishes for her as they all talked. David who noticed Sky skipping her all favorite spicy meat dishes asked in concern.

"Lass! What's wrong? Why aren't you eating most of the food?"

Arlo was about to stop her from speaking, she answered nonchalantly, "I felt nauseous eating spicy."

Everyone sitting with them was over smart people who misunderstood easily.

Her head was low picking a vegetable when she heard Arlo whisper, "Pay for your misfortune."

"What?" Sky looked at him not understanding what he meant. Arlo behaved as if he didn't hear her.

One who could think straight voiced first. "You don't look like you have cried." Sam said.