Are you fine?

Sky shook her head. "I'm fine. I'm getting the feeling of something will happen... Wait! Let me call Dad."

Sky released from his grip and called him. Even after talking she wasn't feeling fine. She called Ryan, The latter received the call dismissing the meeting. After telling him to be safe, she hung up.

Arlo canceled her meeting in the meantime and took her home thinking it must be because she was away from home for many days.

By the time Sky reached home, She received a full report of Harley's working projects and nothing had any problem. She asked everything to managed properly and hung up.

Ryan had returned after Arlo's instruction and they spent time together. They engaged Sky in Ryan's room decor.

Every time she used to do it alone but this time, Arlo and Ryan sat with her in Ryan's room discussing every small thing of interior decor.

For not to make them worry, Sky thought to herself as she must be overthinking and ignored it.