Something between you and me

"Hired?" One of the shareholders caught what she said.

"How can eleven are enough for this project?" Another shareholder asked.

"I heard, Ms.Sky already completed the process and just presenting here. How can you carry out without our permission?"

"Do you think we are here for a show?"



They started to discuss and asked similar questions. Sky waited for them to stop but one of the shareholders asked, "Ms.Sky! Why aren't you talking?"

"I'm waiting for my turn. Carry on your discussion." Sky innocently said and checked her wristwatch.

"Chairman Harley, I'm sorry. I don't like to join the noise pollution. Since we still have an hour I will wait."

David's assistant almost laughed out and covered his face with a file. David's face turned red from controlling his laughter.

Arlo pursed his lips. Sky who saw their reaction found hard to control her smile so she added one more line, "Is it my turn now?"