I'm pleased

Arlo did so much and he was doing so much for her and what was she doing? Nothing.

She did nothing.

She was doing nothing.

She remembered what Jai once told, the relationship never depends on one's efforts and sacrifices, if it is, then it won't be called as a good relationship.

He couldn't understand why her eyes welled up hence he stood up to go near her but Sky burst into tears.

"Why are you crying? If you don't like it here, we will leave. Stop crying..... Sky!.... How can I know if you don't tell me?" He was helpless.

Sky spoke between her sobs, "Why are you doing all these? I don't know to do anything and you always do everything. You left your house for me, you ignored Sigma to work as my secretary, you always taught whatever I wanted to learn, you cook for me, you always..."

Sky listed out everything as he tried his best to stop her from crying.