
"You look far better than this." Sky replied nonchalantly seeing the portrait.

Arlo just smiled and held on to her.

When he searched about her he had no expectations. If she was dumb, he still wanted to keep her by his side but he never expected her to be so good in many things and even dumb enough to find mistakes in herself all the time.

He was somewhat thankful for the one who attacked the mall, if not he would never have got the chance to see her, search her and meet her.

He was thankful for his grandmother and Ryan to push him when he thought he couldn't casually meet her.

He was thankful for himself for knowing he wanted her to be happy, for joining Harley corporation, and for not using his power or money to get her which could have made her hate him and stay away from him.

He was thankful to everyone who kept his identity under wraps and helped him.

Now he couldn't even dare to imagine losing her.