Focus on your wife

"Did you check in the security room system?" Sky asked as she went out.

Arlo blocked her view as she heard Sam reply. "Isn't that for entry and exit details?"

Arlo left her after reaching some distance.

"According to reports and architecture; Yes. But I had restructured when I joined so it stores data at three places. There are other cameras too which employees and security may not know. Behind me, right side third tree, the trunk hole has a camera. Next Warehouse, air exhaust has another camera. Pole near the gate has a camera. You can't identify from here. All those data will be in the security room system. Compressed data will be in the cloud, I will give login details if you don't get in the security room. But where the fire started is still important."

Sky finished in an emotionless voice and received a supervisor address from Andy, "Put somebody here to look after and you come with me." She told to Andy.