You have got a perfect wife

The next day, everyone started their day as usual.

Sky finished her meeting and personally prepared a PR statement and a gift for President Wright. All major clients and customers were already happy with the results that they found out the previous day.

The shareholders had stopped calling or stopped trying to visit the Harley corporation. The news channels still reported about President Tan and President Derek as they tried to find the relation between those companies and Harley.

The reporters weren't standing anymore by Harley corporation entrance. Everything was finally back to normal before a piece of grand news to be released.

Seeing peaceful silent day, all were working in slow motion due to the full week's heavy work. Sky didn't push anybody and decided to ask on Monday.

Sky called everyone to go to the penthouse after office. Ryan wanted to join in disguise. She didn't allow Ethan to come and Arlo had no option but to stay in the penthouse.